Juli 03, 2015

Scene On Three (1)

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But then Marjorie said, “I’m not well, Merry. I don’t mean to frighten you. I’m sorry,” and her voice cracked and she curtained her face with her hands. I said, “It’s okay. But you’ll get better, right? Then we’ll tell normal stories, like we used to. It’ll be fun.” “No. You have to remember that story about the two sisters. You have to remember all my stories because there are—there are all these ghosts filling my head and I’m just trying to get them out, but you have to remember the story about the two sisters especially. Okay? You have to. Please say, ‘Okay.’” Marjorie was just a shadow on her bed. She could’ve been a pile of blankets, twisted and discarded. I couldn’t see her eyes or her spaghetti-sauce-stained chin. When I didn’t answer her, she screamed as though she were being attacked; so loud it lifted my feet off the floor and pushed me backward (p.46)

Kutipan ini dari novel  A Head full of Ghost karangan Paul Tremblay. Ceritanya ada hubungannya dengan exorcism gitu deh, makanya horror beut kalau dibaca malam-malam…

Ini pertama kali saya ikutan Scene On Three, padahal yang empunya hajat adalah salah satu sahabat saya kalau berhubungan dengan buku. Mwahahaha. *sungkem*

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  5. Meme ini diadakan setiap tanggal yang mengandung angka tiga, sesuai dengan ketersediaan tanggal di bulan tersebut (tanggal 3, 13, 23, 30, dan 31).

1 komentar on "Scene On Three (1)"
  1. Haaaii, welcome to Scene on Three, semoga betah yaa :D
    Oh, ini bukunya semacam kismis gitu ya :o


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